The era of the 21st century is a digital age, an era of 4.0 … Not only the rapid development of information technology but also other industries. 3D printing is one of them. Let’s explore the wonders of the 21st century!
When did 3D printing appear?
The first idea of 3D printing originated from Kodama engineer in 1980. This idea outlines the production method by applying overlapping layers of materials. And SLA technology was born. SLA applies exposure and concentration of 3D resin inks using UV light.
In 1988, Carl Deckard brought patent rights for SLS technology. This type of rapid prototyping with laser power sintering method.
That same year, Scott Crump (later co-founder of Stratasys) obtained the copyright for the extruded 3D printing (FDM).
So in less than 10 years, 3D printing has developed three key types: SLA, SLS and FDM.
The key technology of the 21st century
Absolutely can say so! 3D printing has high applications in many fields and industries in society. It turns ideas into artifacts easily.
In Vietnam, Smart Design Labs Co., Ltd. is a leading company in 3D technology: 3D printing, 3D scanning, reverse engineering …
Providing all services and products in this field the best and the most perfect. In particular, Smart Design Labs aims to provide quality products, complete equipment “made in Vietnam”.